Victor Coco has been a staff member of CERN since 2017 and is involved in the installation and commissioning of the upgrade of the LHCb Vertex Locator as well as the design of its second upgrade. He is interested in the hybrid silicon sensors and in particular in its fast timing applications.
After obtaining his Ph.D in 2008, Victor studied the forward region of proton-proton interaction with the LHCb detector, looking for exotic particles and deviations of various standard model production mechanisms. He developed the LHCb jet reconstruction and was the LHCb QCD, Electroweak and Exotica working group convener. While starting as a CERN Fellow in 2013 he joined the Herschel detector project to enhance diffractive physics studies capabilities at LHCb. Along the years Victor worked on the design, commissioning and operation of detectors based on various technologies, from straw tubes to silicon photo-multiplier.