Following his diploma at the University of Basel, Andreas joined the CPLEAR experiment in its very early stage, developing a novel technique of small high-gain limited-streamer tubes, to be used as active element in the CPLEAR sampling electromagnetic calorimeter. After completion of the calorimeter, Andreas convened the neutral final states analysis group, responsible for measuring CP asymmetries in the decay of neutral kaons into neutral pions. Following a two years physics coordination of the SPS accelerator, Andreas joined the LHCb Collaboration, acting as project leader of the LHCb calorimeter system. After a three years term as LHCb Deputy Spokesperson, he then was nominated LHCb Upgrade Coordinator and lead the upgrade activities of the experiment towards the submission of the TDRs. Following a three years leadership of the CERN LHCb detector group, Andreas took over as CERN Team Leader. He currently contributes to the long-term upgrade activities of LHCb, in particular to the R&D of radiation hard and fast sampling calorimeters.
Steering Committee