- In 2012 I finished my electronic engineering degree, followed by a Microelectronic Engineering Honours Degree in 2013, and then a research master’s degree in 2014 at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.
- Thereafter, I graciously accepted a Commonwealth Scholarship to study a PhD at The University of Edinburgh in September 2015. Under the supervision of Prof. Ian Underwood.
- And with any PhD, I learnt to bake artisanal breads and the horticulture of growing tomatoes and strawberries in Scotland😊
- My PhD research was on the detection of Ionising radiation using Single Photon Avalanche diodes.
- In 2018 I was fortunate to receive The David Mayes Scholarship, Erasmus+ traineeship and RSE JM Lessells Travel Scholarship, which all facilitated high energy physics research experiments at CERN in the ATLAS Detector Systems Group, under the supervision of Dr. Heinz Perngger.
- In November 2019, after successful completion of my PhD, I was privileged to be accepted as a fellow in the EP-ESE-BE section under the supervision of Dr. Jan Troska, where I was tasked, under WP6, with simulating Silicon Photonic Devices, specifically Ring Modulators (the focus of today’s presentations).
- In January 2020 I transitioned to the EP-ESE-ME section under the supervision of Dr. Paulo Moreira, tasked with designing Electro-optical Drivers in 28 nm CMOS for future high-speed data links.
