Pere Mato studied physics at University of Barcelona, Spain, where he obtained the Ph.D. in 1990. Since 1986 has been working at CERN in a number of projects. Started with the 3081/E emulator project at the DD division, and later moved to the Aleph experiment in the area of DAQ and slow controls. In 1994 he took the overall responsibility of the Aleph TPC detector until the end of LEP. From 1998 to 2002 was leading the development of the core software and framework for the LHCb experiment (Gaudi) and later the LCG Core Libraries and Services project (SEAL). In 2005 was appointed Applications Area manager of the LCG project. He was leading the ROOT project from 2014 to 2017, and from 2016 is the leader of the Software support group in the EP department.