


Paul studied physics in Mainz, and quickly identified particle physics as his main field of interest. During his studies, he worked on analysis efforts searching for new physics with the ATLAS experiment, before getting into reconstruction and track reconstruction in particular during his PhD. Here, the focus of his technical work was on efficient geometry modelling and data structures. He is a core developer of the ACTS experiment-independent track reconstruction software package.


My research focuses on detector R&D and simulation for future upgrades, in particular the use of sub-nanosecond time information to improve the performance of RICH (Ring-Imaging Cherenkov) detectors in the high-luminosity environment.


Brieuc joined the CMS experiment in 2013 to work on b-tagging and be part of the Tracker Detector On Call team. He got his PhD in Experimental High Energy Physics from UCLouvain (Belgium) on SM and BSM di-Higgs search at the (HL-)LHC. During his first postdoc at Hanyang University (South-Korea), based at CERN, he coordinated CMS RPC Trigger activities and took part in top physics FCNC analyses.


Javier is a computer scientist from University Carlos III of Madrid. During the last few years, his focus has been on low-level software (e.g. operating systems, embedded software and electronics, and compilers). He will finish his


MSc Engineer from South Africa with previous experience in building and racing the UKZN Solar Car in the 2015 Bridgestone World Solar Challenge. Work experience spanning 6 years in the fields of engineering management in the Pulp and paper industry, research and design of military vehicle protection and suspension systems, and design and qualifying experience in the ATLAS Project Office towards the New Small Wheel.


I am an Electronics Engineer, and during my PhD I specialised in power electronics. Particularly, my experience lies in the design of dc-dc converters, including the power stage, measurements and control. I recently joined EP-ESE-ME as a Senior Fellow. I will be working on the design of rad-hard dc-dc converters for High Energy Physics experiments, where exciting challenges arise due to the harsh environmental conditions and demanding specifications.


During her PhD at CERN, Desiree contributed to an R&D work-package aiming at a thorough understanding of micro-channel cooling as a highly efficient thermal management technique for Silicon Pixel Detectors.


I am an experimental physicist with the main research interest in the field of gaseous particle detector systems. During my Ph.D.  I was mostly engaged in the optimization of their performance and the improvement of the operational stability, where I investigated the effects of the electrical discharge propagation in a gas electron multiplier (GEM) detector.