4.2. Robotics for Detectors

The design of present HEP detectors relies on optimizing installation, maintenance, repair and dismantling work to minimize effective dose on personnel. The work of this task focuses on new detector interfaces and service architecture for automated installation and maintainability.

Radiation levels in a future energy-frontier hadron collider and radiation-cooling times will severely constrain operational and maintenance scenarios. This calls for detector design and interface adaptations accounting for shielding, remote opening/manipulation and limited (short) human access as well as for a study of the use of automated and robotic solutions. Accesses and interfaces enabling use of automated systems/robots for maintenance and repair interventions need to be foreseen already at the design level. New concepts of detector-infrastructure interface and services connectivity to ease detectors remote handling are key for the work of this task.

The R&D activities will start from the identification of possible available automated/robotic solutions, compatible with the needs of future detectors, to drive the definition of their installation and maintenance strategies and to identify suitable automated platforms and manipulator systems.