WP Leaders

WP Leaders


André is a staff member and applied physicist in the EP-SFT group. Since October 2021, he has been the deputy coordinator of the EP R&D software work package, and became the work package leader in January 2025. In EP R&D, he is also the leader of the Key4hep Turnkey Software Stack task. André has developed simulation and reconstruction software and distributed computing solutions for future colliders, and CLIC in particular, since he was a PhD student in the Wolfgang Gentner Programme at CERN.


Working on the development of novel gaseous detectors, Florian is a Fellow in the Gaseous Detector Development (GDD) group. 

He studied physics at TU Vienna and worked on nano fabrication techniques and superconducting nanowires. 


Victor Coco has been a staff member of CERN since 2017 and is involved in the installation and commissioning of the upgrade of the LHCb Vertex Locator as well as the design of its second upgrade. He is interested in the hybrid silicon sensors and in particular in its fast timing applications.


Petra Riedler is a senior staff in EP-DT, working on the development, study and construction of silicon pixel detectors. Petra first came to CERN to work as a doctoral student on the radiation damage studies for the ATLAS SCT and continued as a postdoc to work on the construction, installation and operation of the silicon tracker for the ATHENA anti-hydrogen experiment. From 2001 on Petra worked on the design, construction and operation of the present ALICE silicon pixel detector and subsequently on monolithic pixel detectors for the upgrade of the ALICE inner tracker.


Dominik has been working for his Diploma and Ph.D. on silicon detectors and search for physics beyond the Standard Model with the ZEUS experiment at HERA, receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Hamburg in 2003. He then joined the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter project as a Feodor-Lynen fellow at Columbia University, New York, before coming to CERN in 2006 as a research fellow in the ATLAS group. In 2010 he became staff member in the Linear Collider Detector group and project leader of the CLIC vertex detector R&D.


Michael Moll is working on the characterization and development of radiation hard silicon detectors. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Hamburg in 1999 and then went to CERN working on the operation of radiation facilities, development of radiation sensors and the study of radiation damage in silicon detectors. Presently, he is a senior staff in Detector Technologies Group and co-spokesperson of the CERN RD50 Collaboration “Radiation hard semiconductor devices for very high luminosity colliders”.


Michael Campbell is the leader of the Medipix design team in the Experimental Physics Department at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland where he has worked for over 30 years. He was leader of the Microelectronics Section at CERN for 6 years until December 2019 when he stepped down to focus on more technical and research tasks. He was one of the pioneers of pixel detector readout and of the use of radiation-hard-by-design techniques.

Vincenzo Eduardo

Vincenzo is a Staff Computing Engineer in the EP-SFT group. He has joined CERN in 2019 and he has worked since then for the ROOT project of EP-SFT. He obtained a PhD in Computer Science from Universitat Politecnica de Valencia in 2023. As a CERN doctoral student his research was also supported by EP R&D, with a focus on distributed computing targeting next-generation HEP analysis workflows. He is currently responsible for the RDataFrame high-level analysis interface in ROOT and he also contributes in the areas of I/O and Python interfaces.