


Giulio Borghello is a member of the CERN Microelectronics Section since 2016. His work involves evaluating the radiation response of CMOS technologies used in ASICs developed in the Microelectronics Section. He received his PhD in electronics engineering in 2019 from the University of Udine with a thesis entitled "Ionizing radiation effects in nanoscale CMOS technologies exposed to ultra-high doses".  He has authored and co-authored 17 journal and conference papers on the topic of radiation effects in modern CMOS technologies.


Alessandro Caratelli is a digital design engineer in the EP-ESE group. 

Together with Kostas Kloukinas, Alessandro is currently responsible of the CERN ASIC Support Service aiming to provide Technology and EDA tool support for the designers. Alessandro is also responsible for the CMS Outer Tracker PS module Short-Strip readout ASIC (SSA) design and testing. 


Henric Wilkens got his Ph.D. on the study of muons in Extensive Air shower using the L3+Cosmic extension of the L3 experiment. He joined CERN as a research fellow, and following his interest in calorimetry, joined the ATLAS Calorimeter team. He played a leading role in the commissioning of the ATLAS Liquid Argon calorimeter. He is also involved in the ATLAS test beams, participating to European projects aiming at improving user access and infrastructure at test beams. He served as CERN PS and SPS Physics coordinator from 2013 to 2021.


Etiennette Auffray is senior physicist in EP-CMX group. She first came at CERN as a technical student in 1990, then continued as a PhD student and postdoc working on the R&D on inorganic scintillators for future homogeneous electromagnetic calorimetry at LHC. She became staff in 1999. She worked on the design, the construction and the installation of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter made of 75848 scintillating crystals of PWO and since 2009 on its operation and upgrade.


Brieuc joined the CMS experiment in 2013 for his PhD (UCLouvain - CP3, Belgium) to work on double Higgs production analyses, b-tagging algorithms and Tracker commissioning. During his first postdoc (Hanyang University, South-Korea), based at CERN, he became Level-2 convener of the CMS RPC Trigger group and worked on searches for top-Higgs flavor changing neutral current.


Erica is an experimental particle physicist in the EP-CMG group. Her research interests revolve mainly around software event reconstruction, Higgs physics and silicon sensors characterisation. During her PhD thesis, she mainly worked in the track reconstruction of the CMS experiment for the High Luminosity LHC era: a very challenging environment with more than thousands of tracks to reconstruct! Currently, she is involved in the new High-Granularity Calorimeter detector which will be installed in CMS for the HL-LHC.

Dominik (see WP 1.3 and 1.4)

Dominik has been working for his Diploma and Ph.D. on silicon detectors and search for physics beyond the Standard Model with the ZEUS experiment at HERA, receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Hamburg in 2003. He then joined the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter project as a Feodor-Lynen fellow at Columbia University, New York, before coming to CERN in 2006 as a research fellow in the ATLAS group. In 2010 he became staff member in the Linear Collider Detector group and project leader of the CLIC vertex detector R&D.