Alessandro Caratelli is a digital design engineer in the EP-ESE group.
Together with Kostas Kloukinas, Alessandro is currently responsible of the CERN ASIC Support Service aiming to provide Technology and EDA tool support for the designers. Alessandro is also responsible for the CMS Outer Tracker PS module Short-Strip readout ASIC (SSA) design and testing.
He participated in the design of multiple ASICs for the LHC experiments, including the GBT-SCA, the MPA, the SSA and the CIC ASICs for the CMS OT high luminosity upgrade.
Alessandro is also involved in the EP R&D WP5 for the development of radiation tolerant SoC solutions based on RISCV for future detector electronics.
He completed his master studies in Pisa university and his PhD studies in EPFL, Lausanne.