


Roberto studied Industrial Engineering in Seville, Spain. He began his research career with a scholarship from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), where he studied nanophosphor-based photonic materials for next-generation light-emitting devices. During his studies, he also worked extensively with carbon composite materials, a topic on which he based both his bachelor’s and master’s theses in the Group of Elasticity and Strength of Materials (GERM).


Francesco holds a Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering and a Master's degree in Space and Astronautical Engineering from the University of Rome La Sapienza. During his thesis, he completed an internship at CERN, where he designed and tested an unmanned aerial vehicle for flying and mapping CERN's detector environments. After graduation, he joined EP-R&D on behalf of the School of Aerospace Engineering in Rome, focusing on developing robotic systems for inspection and maintenance of the next generation of particle detectors.


Aurora is currently a doctoral student at CERN, participating in the EP R&D Phase 2 program while pursuing a Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Milano Bicocca. She obtained her bachelor's and master's degrees from the same institution. Member of CMS since her master's thesis, Aurora initially joined CERN as a technical student, focusing on tasks related to heterogeneous computing and performance portability libraries. Currently, her work focuses on event reconstruction for the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) within the CMS experiment.


Florine is a doctoral student at CERN in the EP-SFT group and at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. Her work focuses on the design and development of efficient data reduction and deduplication methods for physics data with ROOT’s new I/O subsystem, RNTuple. She graduated with a master’s degree in Software Engineering from the University of Amsterdam and has previous experience at CERN as a technical student, where she worked on the evaluation and further development of RNTuple for ATLAS’s experiment software framework, Athena.


Experimental physicist, working on the maintenance, operation and development of gas systems for particle detectors. Gianluca studied plasma physics at the University of Milano-Bicocca (IT). Gianluca fist joined CERN as a technical student in 2018, where he studied eco-friendly gas mixture for RPC detectors at LHC. He then continued as a doctoral student in the same group where he focused on the LHC Gas Systems and the development of different strategies to reduce the Greenhouse gases emissions from particle detectors.


Leonhard is a doctoral student in the Wolfgang-Gentner-Programme in cooperation with the university of Bonn. His work focuses on developing an improved electron reconstruction algorithm for Key4Hep. Previously, he studied computer science and physics at the university of Hamburg and performed the research for his master's degree in DESY's FTX group on lepton identification for the International Large Detector (ILD).


Sebastian Pape is a doctoral student at the EP-DT-SSD group.
He is affiliated with the TU Dortmund University, where he obtained his M.Sc. degree in 2020.

For his Master thesis he worked on Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs), towards their employment in the field of proton computed tomography systems. Therefore, he made characterisation measurements about the timing resolution of LGADs.

His current field of research is the characterisation and modelling of radiation damage in solid state detectors, using the TPA-TCT method and TCAD simulation tools.