7. Software

Software forms a critical part of the HEP programme, recognised in the European Strategy Update of 2020. From the generation and simulation of physics events, to the data acquisition systems and triggers of the experiments, through to the reconstruction and analysis phases software is ubiquitous. Future accelerators, such as linear colliders and the FCC, plan to increase physics reach through increased precision and higher rates. Software must be developed to support the lifecycle of the associated experiments, from design and conception, decades in advance of construction, though to data taking, reconstruction and analysis.

Support for these future physics programmes puts even greater demands on software than today, with greatly enhanced precision and event rates needed for simulation, combinatorial explosions for reconstruction in high pile-up environments and massive data volumes to be handled for analysis across our distributed computing infrastructure. This motivates our R&D programme into keys tasks that have to be solved in order to make efficient and effective software for the future.

Contact and Collaboration

For more information about how to work with the Software R&D programme, please contact the Graeme Stewart and André Sailer, the work package leaders.


The group meets regularly to review progress in tasks and to discuss the best ways to collaborate between projects. These are usually internal discussions, but if you would like to attend, please contact André and Vincenzo.